Adding a Notes field for days

One recurring request is the ability to add notes to a day. I would find this useful too, but this spans a gamut of use cases: having a single text field that you can write in for each day, or being able to add multiple short notes that each gets added to a day (like a social media timeline), etc.

Not to mention being able to add notes to Tasks as well.

I’d love to hear from those who would like Notes added to Finalist and how they would use it…

I would use a single note per day that I could add to throughout the day. I could see something similar to a pinned list for a note that hangs around each day as a place to gather thoughts that aren’t necessarily tasks. Notes for tasks would be helpful too, especially if we can share content to Finalist and populate a task with extra information. I could see something similar to the calendar peek for task notes, unless that becomes too crowded.

Thanks! In some tests I’ve done a simple text field for notes seemed a bit unfinished and it felt like it wanted to be a “feed”: you type some ideas in, press Done and it’s now part of that day’s notes with a time stamp when you entered it. But then you won’t be able to easily edit entries you added previously, so maybe a free form text field is actually more useful?