Beta 6 introduces natural language parsing for time in tasks

I’ve been finding this very useful, as often I have tasks I want to add to my calendar. Keen to hear what you think :smile:

I’ve been thinking about this. I like how Things has the concept of tonight and put things at the bottom or hide them till tonight.

The new Hey calendar has some interesting ideas there too.

So when I add a time to a task. Does anything special happen ?

I’ve had a lot of similar thoughts!

Right now nothing special happens in the database model, but that’s what I want to explore. I’ve noticed a few users add time to their tasks for their own reference and I do it all the time. And often when I add time, I want to add it to the calendar so it’s in my shared calendar as time booked.

But I also don’t want to overcomplicate task entries with pickers and selectors :smile:

Would be cool to be able to “sort by time” and also have “Tonight” as a value to add to a task when selecting it and clicking the … menu

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Interesting - would you think of Tonight as a set time you get to configure, or more as a meta value so it’s sorted to the bottom?

I think in Things there “is a real time” but it’s not configurable. Things treat’s tonight as a sub list of “today”

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I noticed the countdown today! That was a nice touch. However, you should suppress it when the task it marked complete :slight_smile:

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Thanks and good catch :grinning: